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The Prototypes - Don't Let Me Go feat. Amy Pearson


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it really seems like you're the one of the only ones that cares about this, as you do this in any thread thats a leak. just grab the tune if you like it, buy it if you decide its worth it when it comes out and move along. it's not gonna become a rule, so just accept it when it happens

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I don't mind leaks, i just like to know when something is a leak.. your missing the point, it is piss easy to write "leak" somewhere in the posts, its much more valuable information than the amount of mb's a tune is or whatever

if you noticed, i didn't include the MB of the tune or whatever. I put up the album art because it makes the post look nice, and I write the title and zippy link because it's required. If you don't like the way I post, I'm sorry, and if you like to complain about unnecessary things I can't stop ya.

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