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How to get this sound


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Anyone know the trick to getting the sorta sound? The fist thing i though was just a low pass filter but it only makes samples sound less clear.. not old and dirty.

Also if anyone knows any producers that sorta make this kinda lo-fi sounding vibe post them? Been craving the sound for a while.



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Try low pass filter some chords with a bit of resonance, bit of overdrive or some tape saturation then layer it with that vinyl crackle... maybe a bit of de-tune on an LFO on that second one with a bit of pitch modulation on all the oscillators with an LFO too. That's if your trying to recreate it.

I'd say they just sampled it from somewhere though.Sounds like tape recordings, maybe on bad/re-used tape or even re-recorded from the tape a few times. On the second on, sounds like you can almost here a flux in the tape player's speed at one point.

My opinion, find some old samples from tape and mash em together :D

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Tube distortion, tape saturation, Low pass, resonance. Give "Izotope Trash" a whirl. Brilliant plugin. ( prefer the first version )

I don't know if you'd be interested but.. looking at these lo-fi songs through spectral analyzer and looking at your own tunes through a spectral analyzer to compare might help you.

Edited by chodibeatz
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