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I currently use Propellerhead Reason..and, as many users seem to notice (via a simple search on Google)..I feel like my sounds just aren't as full or whole as through Ableton (haven't really given any other DAW a shot). Any other Reason users notice anything similar?

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Dont forget to Master your Track at -6db to give your track more Dynamic Headroom , this also improves the audio quality. Then bounce the Track and Master the Final separately. (After that you can use an Maximizer / Wideband Limiter like Waves L3/L2/L3 MultiMaximizer these things do their job quite well.)

Just like using Photoshop - first Make all the Layer Work then flatten the Image and Edit afterwards.

Every DAW has the Same "problem" , but it all comes down to Mastering and EQ'ing - if your Track sounds Flat -> Do Some Research and youll most likely find out that theres much more behind producing a fine sounding Track than you think ;) Even the tinyest Detail counts on the Way to good Sound :)

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I use reason. I LOVE IT! I've had no problem getting big mixes. but then again if I spend 20 hours creating a song, I can guarantee that probably between a third and half of that time has been spent in mastering each individual sound to make sure there are no competing parts, (you dont wan to run a bass heavy synth and a sub at the same time as the frequencies will compete and creating phasing issues) and then another huge portion of time going through a mix down and then final mastering of my master track.

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